Eleonora Milazzo

I am a Research Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute, where I work on research-to-policy engagement and the development of the Migration Research-to-Policy Co-Lab. I am also Senior Adviser at the European Policy Centre and Associate Fellow at the Egmont Institute in Brussels.
My background is in think-tanking, policy analysis, and academic research. Thematically, I focus on EU migration and asylum policies, social inclusion, and human mobility in the context of climate change.
In 2023 I published the book Refugee Protection and Solidarity. The Duties of EU Member States (Oxford University Press).
Before joining the MPC, I was Joint Research Fellow at the European Policy Centre and the Egmont Institute in Brussels. Previously, I worked at the Refugee Studies Centre (Oxford) and Carnegie Europe (Brussels). Before turning to migration and asylum in the EU, I did research on climate change governance and EU-Russia relations at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin and the Russian International Affairs Council in Moscow.
I regularly consultant for UN agencies, international organisations, NGOs, national authorities, and international research consortia on issues related to migration policies, development, and social inclusion.
I am a political theorist by training and carried out research on the ethics of migration and refugee protection in the EU. I completed a PhD in Political Science on these topics at the European University Institute (2021) and was a Postdoctoral Researcher at King’s College London. ​​​​​​​
Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre
European University Institute
Convento di San Domenico, Via delle Fontanelle 19, 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy